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Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets: Work

Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets

Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets: Text

Content Warning: loss

Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets: Work


I try to chart your absence in the dark


Feint voltage flickering the pulse of time


Across the vast, lost regions of the night


A sun edged ghost billowing the sky


To stare into the socket of the earth


Track scars of seas, their frozen heave and crawl


Gives rise to seas within me, as I kneel


My hands like hymns working the night soil


Planting under seasons of the moon


The matter of your body, smooth as seed


Exists at once, all amongst the stars


Their tiny lights refract you endlessly


When she wanes the meaning surely comes


Alba greets her there, whispering from bulbs

Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets: Work


Alba flowers whispering from bulbs,


Where soil coils silence underneath the black,


Know, deep below a different world beats on,


As far above her reticence hums back.


You are fragments cratered in her skin.


In drifts of space, your body, was the blast.


Your form was carried on the solar wind,


Your core collapsing into neutron stars.



I sit with absence rippling the dark,


Each night to plant, as lunation allows.


A ritual, a midnight almanac,


A longing grown beneath her orb in rows.


She wrote the silver dawn of all the worlds


And through the earth we learn to live loss first.

Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets: Work


As seasons turn, we have to live them first.


Borne from slow moon tides beneath the earth,


Panicles of loved reach from wastes of lost,


Luminous they bough beneath her curve.


Such insistent darkness at her brow,


In the end, gives way to broken sky.


Rifts of rising colour tether day


To the waning hours with flaming ties.


She is muted distance through her veil.


She is silence in the blossoms falling.


She is light dispersed through vapour trails.


She is the grey hazed garden of our morning.


At last, she rises on days fading arc


And I return your absence to the dark.

Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets: Work

Lauren Thomas likes to write about the natural world, time, memory and stories from the past. Her work can be found in various print and online publications, most recently including, Abridged, Re-side magazine, Nine Pens Hair Raising anthology and Green Ink Poetry. She has work forthcoming in Black Bough poetry and Magma. Her pamphlet, Silver Hare Tales, will be published in December 2021 with Blood Moon Poetry Press. Twitter:@laurenmywrites

Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets: Work

Cover Artwork: Carolina Moonrise by M Patrick Riggin

M Patrick Riggin is a Pittsburgh born writer, artist and musician.  While attending college for journalism and history, he worked as a musician and painter.  His work has been featured in several publications and he continues to evolve his form and function of artistic expression.  To follow him on his artistic journey, M Patrick Riggin can be reached at

Lauren Thomas - Crown of Sonnets: Work

Acropolis Journal ©2022

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