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Arun Kapur - Woodlands.jpg
​Vera Hadzic - sculptures: Work

Content Warning: dark themes, bones

​Vera Hadzic - sculptures: Work

Vera Hadzic - sculptures

somehow, the trees beg us to touch them

here is a throne, wickered with oak roots

where the trembling of our fingers folds

into the creasing of the bark

by your feet lies an elk skull, thick-boned

with a mandible of white birch

an eye socket gluttonous with sifting snow

a snout tapering to tough blackened teeth

antlers that, when the wind is still, are crowned

with red berries and spider tensions

when I tire of the throne, I lean into this cradle

bark cupping my spine and pillars of trunk

rising on every side, looking up and up

until all fades to white skies

​Vera Hadzic - sculptures: Work

Vera Hadzic (she/her) is a writer from Ottawa, Ontario, studying at the University of Ottawa. In the past, her work has appeared in Crow & Cross Keys, Kissing Dynamite, and elsewhere. She is an editor for Wrongdoing Magazine and can be found on Twitter @HadzicVera.

​Vera Hadzic - sculptures: Work

Photograph: Woodlands by Arun Kapur

Enigmatic. Charismatic. Passionate. Lover of life and all truth that binds us together. Arun Kapur is a mental health advocate that uses the medium of the arts to raise awareness of stigmas and well-being. Through poetry and film, he aims to amplify untold stories of unheard voices.

​Vera Hadzic - sculptures: Work

Acropolis Journal ©2022

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