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Laurie Marshall - Safe Inside but Yearning to Fly.png

Content Warning: themes of death

Edie Meade – Still Life

Can you tell a story using only objects

ordinary, yes. Of course. What else is there

but the field-dressed grouse, choked

bluegill, mourning peonies dew-bejeweled

crestfallen seeded grape encumbered by vine

worn reminder of wilderness, orbweaver

after the luna moth; do you know she lives

and dies without ever eating. It is still life.

What else is there.

Edie Meade is a writer, artist, and mother of four in Huntington, West Virginia. Recent work can be found in Feral, Still: The Journal, New Flash Fiction Review, Fractured Literary, Ghost Parachute, and elsewhere. Say hi on Twitter @ediemeade or

Artwork: Safe Inside but Yearning to Fly by Laurie Marshall

Laurie Marshall is a writer and artist working in Northwest Arkansas. Recent stories have been awarded the 2021 Lascaux Flash Fiction Prize, included in the 2022 Bath Flash Fiction Award anthology, and nominated for Best Small Fictions 2022. She reads for Fractured Lit and Longleaf Review. Words and art have been published in Emerge Literary Journal, Versification, Bending Genres, Twin Pies Literary, Fictive Dream and Flash Frog among others. Connect on Twitter @LaurieMMarshall.

Acropolis Journal ©2022

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