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Content Warning: blood, dark themes

Galia Admoni – Gallery
From one space to the next, the paintings become emptier.
In one, a woman is bleeding. I want to touch it with
my tongue; berry red, ripe, wet lips on dry summer skin.
The sculptures are unmoving, with faces that
are starting to turn, like sour milk stones.
I worry that you’ll turn next.
In the last gallery we visit,
the fruit is moulding gloriously.
I will eat strawberries in sunshine again / I will never again visit your fields.
Galia Admoni is a writer, musician and Head of English, media and film at a school in London. She has poems in Bad Lilies, Anthropocene, Atrium, Dear Reader, Streetcake, Cape, Eat the Storms, Crow of Minerva, Zero Readers and is forthcoming in The North. She is on the committee for the London Association for the Teaching of English and has lectured at the BFI, Shakespeare Institute and the British Library. Her debut pamphlet will be published in 2024. Follow her on Twitter @galiamelon
Artwork: Fluid Art by Gaynor Kane
Gaynor Kane lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where she is a part-time creative, involved in the local arts scene. She writes poetry and is an amateur photographer, and in both is looking to capture moments that might be missed otherwise. Discover more at
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