Content Warning: blood, menstruation, fertility, dark themes

Madeleine Heyworth – Metamorphosis
Today, Moon,
or was it Doctor,
took her silver hands
and squeezed my useless womb
until something came out.
It is three years since
I last felt her change me.
Tonight I lie, naked, full
of the old friendly pain
and let it disarm
the body I grew
to love. Blood eats
its way through the sheets:
down goes the ooze
into the mattress, clots
the feathers, trickles
‘round the slats and
drips, black
into the dark space
under my writhing shape.
Soon my downstairs neighbour
will wake to a sound:
Is the kitchen sink leaking?
No, Mrs. Callaghan, it is my
menstrual return, the
the grand reopening
of my body’s best function.
Doctor, or was it Moon, said,
It’s good to bleed, it’s right,
so I’ve made the decision
to go with the flow, not
to clean up my mess; I’ll
bleed through every surface
in the North West
seeing as it’s right. She’ll
shriek, tonight, Why ruin
what isn’t yours? My body
is incapable of ruination,
thank you very much, Mrs.
Callaghan. My body is
becoming the world again.
Moon, or was it Doctor, says
pain brings you closer to God,
so that red sea gushing
through your ceiling is no
concern of mine; I am
God’s problem now. Fertility
has possessed me—bless you,
Doctor! bless you, Moon!—so
hide your children
in case they aren’t prepared,
plus if you weren’t aware,
your husband’s not in bed.
He smelled me a mile off,
Mrs. Callaghan, stumbling home
from a night on the ship;
he’s sprinting blood-lustful
on the scent, but from how
the moonlight falls I cannot tell
in which direction he runs.
Madeleine Heyworth (she/her) was born in Paris and raised in Manchester, UK. She works in financial services and writes poetry at night. Her poetry has been published in The Everyday Magazine and Madwomxn Magazine. She can be found on Twitter and Instagram at @goodegracious.
Artwork: A Wake of Bleeding Hearts by Helen Gwyn Jones
Helen Gwyn Jones (she/her) started recording her world at the age of 8 when she bought a Brownie camera from her sister, something which has become a lifelong passion. A collector of the past (hers and other people’s) she likes nothing better than muted images of imperfection. May be found poring over Welsh grammar books when not photographing drains or going into raptures over rust. Recent publications include Hungry Ghost Project, Free Flash Fiction, Acropolis Journal, Paddler Press, Blink-Ink, Hecate, Pareidolia, Moss Puppy, The Levatio, Camas, Subliminal, Terse Instagram: @helengwynjones Twitter: @helengwynjones Facebook: Helen Gwyn Jones Photographic Artist