Content Warning: blood, dark themes

Nikki Dudley – B/_{}[]!>
The word was onomatopoeic – gushing fluids
over easy – veins crawling
an infestation that seeps through
My small [body] needed the plasma
to stick around long enough
in a box learning to breathe
But to clot to ooze to pump to explode
from a body seemed a paradox
to keeping us alive. The word haunted me
in my ear my skin the drum of my brain
Then I watched a horror film
and realised: it was all a joke if you remembered
fear is assigned to the things that can kill you
thanks assigned to the things
that make the heart be be beat
Nikki Dudley is managing editor of streetcake magazine and also runs the streetcake writing prize. Her pamphlet 'I'd better let you go' and collection 'Fanny B. Mine' are out with Beir Bua Press. She has forthcoming work with Hem Press. She is the winner of the Virginia Prize 2020 and her second novel, Volta was published in May 2021. Her website is:
Artwork: Beat by Arden Hunter
Arden Hunter is an ND aroace agender writer, artist and performer and EIC of Cutbow Quarterly. They are a craft columnist at JMWW Journal and have four books of poetry and experimental hybrid work out this year - check their website for details. Chat to them on Twitter @hunterarden.