Content Warning: violence, death
West Ambrose – …to the Ekphora
rush ship remain in imag(e)
the soliloquy [b]inary
to a fr(e)ightened mouth: silly dirge
what’s the point of Youth sad dirge
if all you do is Want
without satisfaction? The water-logged dungeons await
Give me the spiritual hymn someone like
of retail therapy; give me you;
the lover I cannot buy,
the lover that doesn’t Weren’t you going to overthrow a
want to own me. The monarch? Weren’t you weary and old–
lover I haven’t met yet. Or young and weary, but felt too old to believe in such a thing?
In Italy I saw you. In Italy, where you shouldn’t have been–-
Place me on a high Didn’t you promise to walk behind him forever;
bed Didn’t you make him a king?
waiting for
someone draped in gold,
the broken crown, With Rough hands
the fictional shipwreck,
the thief without his that cannot strike
caption this gold
let them figure out
which one,
let them fill in all the en pleasure;
cracks lawless,
painted on the urn’s faces. symphonic…
Now, autopay the Devil
and split yourself in two; With the same wooden albatross
lover and beloved. Pluck the silk look how we die as
scarf too late— flesh burning as strangers.
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West Ambrose is a writer and grad student. His twitter is @westofcanon and his website is where you can find creative works inspired by antiquity and classic lit. The website,, is also the home of the Crow’s Nest and HLK Quarterly, an opportunity for the folks of many/any disciplines with interest in nautical and
seaward things.
Photograph: Árvore da Vida by Lisa Mary Armstrong
Lisa Mary Armstrong lives in Scotland with her children. She is a socio legal researcher and has interests in gender and crime, children's rights and disability rights. In what is left of her spare time she enjoys writing, photography and is currently working on her first poetry collection War Women.