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Jai Michelle Louissen – Three Poems

in the beginning, eve

first,  a stain

made nothing yet



a prophecy

existing as flesh


into damask                     

the god,



in tamarind

the serpent         

sluicing wings

blithely decadent

the soft give

of harps slit open

the bitter drifts

of apple spell

fugitive           vessels

transecting     time

the garden has tipped over

behind the stars

forgive me


it is you

that i am inconsolable


the weight of feathers

my heart wrestles with swans. fierce eyes
each a single bite mark. furtive as a river
spirit my bones catch fire. no threat of prey.
the wooden ferris wheel is set loose upon
the land. the wolves run free over the
flensed style. monks chant in my dreams.
each silence fog bound. each feather tied.
wilder still as i stand closer to the edge.

hope is a two feathered word

red skirts     willow crook spindle

skull cleft of an owl


                         how it thunders

she bleeds

there is no stopping it     her hands

       ancient as water         bend backwards.

i  thought  i  heard  her  through  the  firs

              lament of  burning amber

                         a  mother sliding    

out of reach

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Jai Michelle Louissen is a Scottish writer, living in the Netherlands. With a background in systemic therapy, specializing in family, ancestors and nature and with a passion for early morning hypnopompic writing, she often writes about trauma and loss infused with Scottish landscapes, or dreamlike portals into wild protoceltic animist cultures and beliefs. She has been published in various magazines and a surrealist chapbook with Sunday Mornings At The River in 2022. She is also the editor of a literary journal, the winged moon. You can also find her on IG and most recently twitter @bornonadarkmoon

Artwork: Drown a Little Slower by d. parker 

d. parker is an artist and writer. she has an MA in Creative Writing. her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Atrium, The Belfast Review, Cutbow Quarterly and Strix. her pamphlet, Rush, was published by Bullshit Lit Mag + Press. she is the editor of Needle Poetry.

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