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Lorraine Caputo - Waves.jpg

Juleigh Howard-Hobson – Capacity

A Fibonacci Sequence


It’s heavy, this thing we carry inside.

Pressure forms within, from outer forces.

We are shaped by it, this weight that pulls

lifetime to lifetime, people to people.


It’s not enough to call it gravity

as if our words define all meanings. We

don’t and never had the capacity.

Juleigh Howard-Hobson’s work can be found in The Deadlands, Witch House, 34 Orchard, Under Her Skin (Black Spot Books), Punk (Kissing Dynamite) and many other venues. She has been nominated for “The Best of the Net”, the Pushcart, the Elgin and the Rhysling Awards. Her latest collection is Curses, Black Spells and Hexes (Alien Buddha Press). She lives in an old Victorian house on the Pacific Northwest coast; some of her neighbors are ghosts. She is an active member of the HWA and the SFPA. X : @poetforest

Artwork: Waves by Lorraine Caputo

Lorraine Caputo’s artwork and photography are in private collections on five continents and has been exhibited in the US and Ecuador. Her visual creations also appear in dozens of international publications. Caputo is also a writer, with poems and travel narratives published in over 500 journals on six continents and 24 poetry collections – including In the Jaguar Valley (dancing girl press, 2023). She has done over 200 literary readings, from Alaska to Patagonia. Ms. Caputo continues journeying south of the Equator.

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