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Giuseppina Brandi - Ifigenia.jpg

Kira Stevens – Scraps From Lilith

I am dwelling in

the outside and the ambiguous;

the premise and the lantern.

This is the church I want.

The sun makes me so sad.

These flowers grow helplessly

and compulsively.

When the weeds like heads

of the hydra rip the ways we cope

open, the wreath shreds itself

and turns back

into the forest.

An atom bleeds light

and then a universe

seeps in.

Imagine the face outside of itself.

She was and was not hopeful.

Every crossroad

reveals the riddle

between the thought.

Slithering behind fallacies

and grief there are zig zags

which make up the world.

A concrete river

is crying outside

of every secret puzzle.

They are tiny graves

in a bottle.

Awareness is in the background,

at war with its reflection.

Kira Stevens is a poet and visual artist from Delaware. She earned a B.S. in psychology from the University of Maryland and an M.F.A. in creative writing poetry from The New School. Her work has appeared in Fauxmoir, Delaware Bards Poetry Review, Bullshit Lit, Cathexis Northwest Press, Open Minds Quarterly, and others. Her chapbook, "Highly Noted and other poems" was published by Lillet Press in 2021. She can be found on instagram @words4food and on Twitter @kirawritespoems

Artwork: Ifigenia by Giuseppina Brandi

Giuseppina Brandi lives in Naples, Italy, with her five-year-old son. She has a Master's Degree in Comparative Literatures, with a Dissertation on Poetry in Europe during WWI. She is currently taking a Professional Course in Literary Translation. Autodidact, she has always loved drawing and painting, and she takes inspiration from natural world and human emotions. With a great passion for poetry too, she believes in the power that art and poetry have of healing and connecting. Her artwork has been published in Black Bough Poetry edition Sound and Vision, Acropolis Journal: Issue Seven, Blue Motel Rooms Poetry and Art inspired by Joni Mitchell, The Poetica Sisterhood of Sylvia & Anne, Fever of the Mind Poetry, Art&Music: Issue 8, Cover art of the Spellbinder literary Magazine: Autumn issue 2023, Acropolis Journal: Issue Eight, Moss Puppy Magazine.

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